Kukkiwon Präsident Oh Hyun Deuk tritt zurück

Aufgrund von diversen Anschuldigungen hat Kukkiwon Präsident Oh Hyun Deuk seinen Rücktritt mit Ende Oktober 2018 erklärt. Gegen ihn wurde eine gerichtliche Untersuchung eingeleitet um die erhobenen Vorwürfe (Bestechung, unlautere Verwendung von Geldmitteln des Kukkiwon, Machtmissbrauch, politisches Lobbying sowie ein Sexskandal) aufzuklären. Präsident Oh übernimmt die politische Verantwortung und tritt daher zurück.

Gleichzeitig tritt auch der derzeitige Generalsekretär des Kukkiwon mit Ende Oktober zurück. Damit beginnt eine neue Suche nach einem Repräsentanten des Kukkiwon. Gegen Oh Hyun Deuk gibt es ja auch Vorwürfe, dass er nicht aus den Reihen der etablierten Taekwondo stammt sondern von politischer Seite eingesetzt wurde. Hier der Wortlaut des Rücktrittschreibens von Kukkiwon Präsident Oh Hyun Deuk:

This is an article that Kukkiwon President gives to Taekwondo family.

I am deeply apologizing to the Taekwondo family members as President of the Kukkiwon for any reason related to the investigation of the judicial authorities and reporting of MBC ‚PD Notebook‘.

I have been aware of my responsibility that Kukkiwon is facing such a situation, and I have decided that showing my responsibility is the least thing for my Taekwondo family.

I have a lot to say about the present situation, but I will put them in my heart, and with my determination to take responsibility for everything I want to reveal my attitude to the Taekwondo family clearly.

First of all, I will strongly sympathize with the opinions derived from the Taekwondo head of the organization and the related organizations‘ meeting on August 30, 2018 (Thursday), and decided to respect the results without any conditions.

Therefore, we decided to accept the results of the T / F team decided at the Taekwondo Team meeting without any reason. In accordance with the revision of the Kukkiwon Bylaws (draft) derived from the T / F Team, after ending the appointment procedure for the new Director, and I will resign as the Director of Kukkiwon.

Some of the Taekwondo families will blame my loyalty, but I think that it is the last way to apologize to the organization and the Taekwondo family for finishing the present situation of Kukkiwon in a responsible manner and withdrawing a little bit.

In addition, the general secretary who was in charge of helping me with administrative affairs, has not been able to arrange for the present situation and also aware of the moral responsibility for not bringing harmony with the labor union, he expressed his intention to resign as of the end of October.

Again, I apologize to all Taekwondo families and hope that the confusion of Taekwondo will stop, and in particular, I would like to ask that the negative view on Kukkiwon be reduced. Thank you.

September 13, Oh hyun-deuk Kukkiwon President

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